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Male Breasts (Man Boobs) Tips

Male breasts (man boobs) disappear with a breast reduction!

Breast formation in men, or man boobs (Gynecomastia) is a common problem. Almost half of the men suffer from it to a greater or lesser extent. And although the phenomenon is usually harmless, it often brings shame. Breast reduction can therefore offer a very welcome solution. The excess fat and glandular tissue is removed and the original contours of the breast are restored.

The Possibilities of Breast Reduction in Men

Breast formation in men (Gynecomastia) is usually visible during puberty. But men can also develop breasts in middle age. The cause is often unclear and usually the swellings disappear automatically. However, if breast formation is hampering you in daily life, it is good to do something about it. With the help of a breast reduction we can remove the local fat deposits and also remove the excess glandular tissue.

The Treatment

Breast reduction can be done under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia. This depends on whether or not glandular tissue is present. If you only have fat tissue, the treatment will consist of liposuction under local anesthesia. The treatment is then performed by the cosmetic doctor.

If glandular tissue is also present, the treatment will be more extensive and will be performed under general anesthesia by the plastic surgeon. The anesthesiologist will bring you under general anesthesia before the start of the treatment. In order to remove excess glandular tissue, the plastic surgeon makes a small incision on the underside of the areola. Subsequently, the surplus glandular tissue is detached from the skin and muscle and removed. After the incision is adhered to, the excess fat tissue is sucked away with the help of a liposuction treatment. The procedure ends with applying a bandage around the chest.

Result of Breast Reduction

For fat and gland tissue - Immediately after the operation you may experience some swelling and stiffness. If this discomfort diminishes during the course of the week, the first effect will already be clearly visible. After a few days you can resume your activities, after a week or six more strenuous exercise is possible again. The scars can still have a fiery color during the first months. Over time this will slowly disappear and the scars will hardly be visible. After about six months, the new contours of your chest are permanently formed.